Enroll today and get the best hockey mindset program in the game, guided personally by NHL alum and Mindset Coach, Jason Podollan.

Become a "Mindset Savage"! 4-weeks to a more mentally equipped and higher performing player. Confidence starts here!

  1. 02
    • Personal Contract

    • Meet Your Coach

    • What To Expect

    • Basic Information Form - Must Complete!

    • Mindset Scouting Report - Must Complete!

  2. 03
    • Monday - Welcome to Mental Agility

    • Monday - Powerful and Primal States Download

    • Monday - Powerful and Primal States

    • Monday - Intention Exercise

    • Intention Exercise Download

    • Tuesday - The 4 Stages of Learning Download

    • Tuesday - The 4 Stages of Learning

    • Tuesday - Brain Activation Exercises

    • Tuesday - Myelination & Brain Activation

    • Wednesday - Self-Awareness

    • Wednesday - Change Your State

    • Wednesday - Mike Shaw & Gratitude

    • Gratitude Assignment

    • Thursday - House League Thought Habits

    • Thursday - Become a Mindset Savage

    • Thursday - The ONE exception to the rule!

    • Friday - Close the Gap Mindmap Download

    • Friday - Close the Gap Mindmap

    • Bonus: Lesson From a Pro - Quinn Hughes

    • Mental Agility Review

    • Week 1 - "Mental Agility" Feedback

    • Week 1 - Mental Agility Self-Assessment

    • Week 1 Coaching Call - Peak Potential

    • Coaching Call Replay

  3. 04
    • Monday - Goal Setting 2.0

    • Monday - 5 Pillars of Hockey Confidence Download

    • Monday - 5 Pillars of Confidence

    • Monday - The Peak Potential Process

    • Monday - Power Statements

    • Monday - Power Statements Download

    • Tuesday - Tyler Wright on Passion

    • Tuesday - Passion is a Skill

    • Tuesday - Passion Challenge

    • Tuesday - Step 2 Passion

    • Wednesday - Step 3 - Principles - The Forgotten Step

    • Wednesday - Hal Gill - Crosby

    • Wednesday - Personal Principles Before Physical Skills

    • Wednesday - Principles Sheet

    • Thursday - Strength & Weakness Builder Download

    • Thursday - Step 4 - The Plan

    • Thursday - Bonus! Some extra motivation

    • Friday - Pursuit

    • Friday - Deliberate Practice

    • Friday - 20 Minute Monster

    • Two Week Planner

    • Week 2 Summary

    • Week 2 - 10x Development Feedback

    • Week 2 - "10x Your Development" Self-Assessment

    • Week 2 Coaching Call

    • Week 2 Replay

  4. 05
    • Monday - Growth Mindset for Hockey Players

    • Monday - Your Beliefs Matter

    • Monday - Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset

    • Monday - Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset Sheet

    • Fixed Mindset Vs Growth Mindset Download

    • Tuesday - The Core Four

    • Tuesday - Summary

    • Tuesday - The Core Four Download

    • Tuesday - Nathan Gerbe - Coming Up Big

    • Wednesday - Mastering Mistakes

    • Wednesday - Praise Effort Not Perfection

    • Wednesday - The 3 R's

    • Wednesday - Mastering Mistakes - The 3 R's Sheet

    • Thursday - F.O.P.O

    • Thursday - The Next Layer & The Consequence Game

    • Friday - How To Be A Pro

    • Friday - The Only 4 Questions You Need

    • Friday - 4 Questions You Need Sheet

    • Week 3 - "Becoming Bulletproof " Feedback

    • Week 3 - "Becoming Bulletproof" Self-Assessment

    • Week 3 Coaching Call

  5. 06
    • Monday - How Important Is It to You?

    • Monday - Control the Controllables

    • Monday - Starts & Stops Download

    • Tuesday - Effort

    • Tuesday - Effort & A Defining Moment

    • Tuesday - Attitude

    • Wednesday - Competitive Spirit

    • Wednesday - Kailer Yamamoto

    • Wednesday - Tom Wilson

    • Wednesday - Brendan Lemieux

    • Wednesday - Ilya Mikheyev

    • Wednesday - Sifan Hassan

    • Wednesday - Connor McDavid

    • Wednesday - Competitiveness is a Controllable

    • Thursday - Preparation

    • Thursday - Preparation Sheet

    • Thursday - Physical Conditioning

    • Thursday - Prepare Your Body

    • Thursday - The Art of Visualization

    • Thursday - Tactical Preparation

    • Thursday - Preparing for What's Possible

    • Friday - Focus on the How

    • Friday - Be You & Have Fun

    • Friday - APPS, Anchors & Standards

    • Friday - APPS & Anchors Sheet

    • Friday - Final Message

    • Schedule Your Graduate Call Now

    • Review the Program! Please :-)

    • Mindset Scouting Report Part 2

    • Week 4 - Extreme Ownership - Self-Assessment

    • Week 4 - Extreme Ownership Feedback

    • Mindset Savage Certificate

    • Week 4 Coaching Call

  6. 07
    • What's Next - A Message From Coach Pods

    • What's Next - Want to Work With Me

    • What's Next - Coach Pods Asks For Help!